This is a unique service we provide. You call within 24 hours of an emergency to say that your truck has a mechanical breakdown. You're having issues because the towing company will be arriving in a less desirable time frame or because you have no more trucks in your fleet? You can call KOS Express. Help is on the way. We will pick up your load and deliver it to its next destination. We will require that we get a 7 to 24-hour notice call, that the GWR doesn't exceed 8,500 to 9,000 pounds, that no more than twelve pallets be exchanged from one truck to the next, a height of 12 to 13 feet, and a maximum volume of 1,600 cubic feet for a safer transition for the safety of our drivers and your products. We stay on our grind to be on time.
Thank you for considering KOS Express for your transportation and delivery needs. We would love to hear from you and provide you with a customized quote for our services.